CPMA Constitution
The Association is known as The Co-operative Personal Management Association (CPMA) and was established in 2002.
The CPMA is an unincorporated membership organization. Its members are UK co-operative actors’ agencies. The CPMA is not a regulatory body, and does not carry on a trade or business. The CPMA is Federal Member of Co-operatives UK.
The CPMA has no office. Communications are via email at cpmauk@yahoo.co.uk. An address is provided for banking and website purposes only (usually that of the CPMA Treasurer or Secretary).
- To further and promote the interests of actors’ co-operative agencies.
- To raise the profile of co-operative agencies with both employers and actors in the industry.
- To represent the interests of co-operative agencies with external bodies.
- To identify and assist in solving the unique problems of co-operative agencies.
- To encourage good business practice.
- To develop training skills and opportunities.
- To act as an advocate for co-operative working.
Management Committee (MC)
- The MC is the CPMA’s Governing Body.
- Members of the MC must belong to CPMA agencies.
- The CPMA’s Officers are automatically members of the MC.
- Those wishing to serve on the MC shall inform the Secretary before, or at, the CPMA’s AGM.
- The membership of the MC shall be agreed by each AGM.
- The term of office is one year, beginning immediately following the CPMA’s AGM.
- Should a vacancy occur on the MC before the AGM, due to resignation or other cause, the Secretary shall call for a replacement from CPMA agencies.
- In the event of (7) above, the replacement shall be approved by the other members of the MC.
Duties of the Management Committee
- to attend, when available, CPMA Meetings and Events.
- to assist, when available, the organization of CPMA Meetings and Events.
- to select, from its members, a temporary Chair, if neither the Chair nor Vice-Chair are available to preside at a Meeting.
- to advise the Officers.
- to approve the CPMA’s nominated member(s) of the Board of the British Equity Collecting Society
- The CPMA’s Officers are Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Social Media Secretary.
- The CPMA may also have a Vice-Chair, if deemed appropriate.
- The Officers deal with the day-to-day running of the CPMA.
- The term of office is one year, beginning immediately following the CPMA’s AGM.
- The Officers shall attend, when available, CPMA Business Meetings and Events.
Election of the Officers
- The Officers are elected by the CPMA’s AGM.
- Any member of any CPMA agency is eligible to be a CPMA Officer.
- Candidates may be nominated and seconded either at, or before, the AGM
- Candidates may be nominated by any member of any CPMA agency, or they may self-nominate.
- Proxy votes are accepted, if received by the Secretary before the AGM.
- The Secretary shall call for nominations with the invitation to the CPMA AGM.
Duties of the Officers
- to preside, if available, over CPMA Meetings, AGMs and Events.
- to provide an Annual Report to the CPMA’s AGM.
- the Vice-Chair shall fulfil the duties of the Chair in his/her absence
- to answer enquiries to the CPMA.
- to convene CPMA meetings and events.
- to construct an Agenda for Business Meetings and the AGM.
- to provide an Annual Report for the AGM, should the Chair be unable to do so.
- to send details of meetings and events to CPMA members.
- to send appropriate advice, correspondence, minutes of meetings and other relevant documents
- to CPMA members.
- to take minutes or notes of CPMA Meetings and Events, or ensure that they are taken by another, and circulate them to the CPMA membership.
- to keep the CPMA website up-to-date.
- to consult other Officers and the MC between Business Meetings, if deemed necessary.
- to try to ensure that the CPMA is represented at relevant meetings with other organizations.
- to maintain the CPMA bank account.
- to deal with CPMA subscriptions.
- to deal with expenses claims
- to present the Annual Accounts to the AGM.
- Any co-operative actors’ agency based in the UK may apply to join the CPMA.
- CPMA member agencies must be bona-fide co-operative businesses (owned and controlled by their members, who each have an equal say in how the business is run, based on one member, one vote).
- Applicants must abide by the CPMA Code of Conduct and pay the annual subscription.
- An applicant must show that it obeys the legislation which governs employment agencies in the entertainment sector, especially in relation to charges made to actors, and to having a secure, separate, Clients’ Account.
- Applications for membership shall be decided by a Business Meeting. If no meeting is scheduled within two weeks of the application, the Secretary shall ask the MC to decide.
- The MC may approve an application for membership, if at least five members are in favour, or may postpone the decision to the next Business Meeting.
- At least two Business Meetings shall be held each year.
- A Business Meeting Agenda shall include Apologies, Minutes of the Previous Meeting, Correspondence, Finance, Membership, Reports and Any Other Business. Additional items may be included by members of the MC and by CPMA member agencies.
- The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall normally be held in February.
- The AGM Agenda shall include Apologies, Minutes of the Previous AGM, Annual Report, Presentation and Adoption of the Annual Accounts, Election of Officers and Any Other Business.
- Other items may be included by members of the MC and by CPMA member agencies.
- No binding decisions shall be made at any meeting unless at least four CPMA member agencies are represented (the quorum) (notwithstanding the provisions of 6(f) Membership).
- Decisions shall be made by simple majority or by consensus.
- The Chair shall not vote, or propose or second any motion. In the event of a tied vote, the Chair may use a casting vote. If the Chair chooses not use a casting vote, the motion shall be declared lost.
- The CPMA’s bank is The Co-operative Bank, PO Box 101, 1 Balloon Street, Manchester M60 4EP.
- The CPMA has one bank account. Transactions are conducted on-line only.
- The CPMA financial year runs from 1st January to 31st December.
- The CPMA bank account requires three authorised signatories, who shall be members of the CPMA Management Committee, one of whom must be the CPMA Treasurer.
- The CPMA Treasurer and one other authorised signatory shall have access to the bank account to conduct transactions